Thursday, March 18, 2010

Today is the Day

So I was actually not really that nervous up until, like, 15 minutes ago. I just had the realization that about 1/4 of my teeth are going to be replaced, fixed, or worked on in less than 3 hours from now. Yikes.

Yeah, I know. I'm the "dentist trooper", taking on pretty much anything that comes my way. But damn. This is some intensive stuff going on today.

At 11:00 today, I am having an unusual amount of work done to my teeth. I don't think I've been scheduled to have my teeth worked on for this long since I got my braces put on. He's blocked out his whole afternoon, and I even get an "intermission" because I'll be there for, like, 5 hours.

Please God, let Dr. Morrison have a wide array of bite-rests so my jaw doesn't lock up while I'm in there. How embarrassing would that be?!

I'm getting (finally!) 2 permanent crowns put on my back bottom molars; both of which have had a root canal in the past month. My top right molar is broken of course (another one we can thank the wisdom teeth for), so we're going to put a permanent crown on there as well. Then, right next to that tooth, I have a teeny tiny cavity that we're going to tackle before it gets bigger. Same situation on one of my front teeth...

...and that's a scary endeavor. I've never had a filling on one of my front teeth. How are they going to drill it out?! It's like, not on a molar!?! I've never had a filling on a tooth that's in the front. Kinda nervous about that.

...and after today, me and my dentist will hopefully be finished with Phase I of "LaSha's Molar Nightmare". I don't know what's going to happen today, but all I know is that I've never had my ENTIRE mouth numb all at once before. It's always been the side... or the back... or the top.. or the bottom... now it's everything

And after we finish today, I believe I get to rest for about 2-4 weeks, then... onto Phase II!!

Which is.... (drum-roll please!)... "LaSha's Wisdom Teeth Nightmare"!!

Ahhh... I can't even comprehend my wisdom teeth right now. That's a whole other task. We'll handle that down the road, but that scares the shit out of me RIGHT NOW. The thought of "going under" (slash, never waking up) is more terrifying than going through the pain.

I'll see if I can get copies of X-Rays when we get to that point and post them on here. When you see how my wisdom teeth are coming in, your going to crap your pants. 

Here's an example of what mine look like:


Yeah.. and all 4 of mine are like that, and therefor: surgical removal of all 4 of them at the same time is my only option to save my teeth that are currently in my mouth from being crushed or shifting to the point where I need braces again.

Actually... that does kind of look like MY teeth... but the only exception is that you would be able to see my root canal on the molar. The molar in this picture only has a filling - no root canal. You'd get the white stuff all the way down to the roots, hence "root canal".

So wish me luck with Phase I today. Hopefully I'll come out of there a brand new woman!! And once the wisdom teeth come out, I should be done seeing the dentist more than I do my own parents.


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