Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I'm the BEST Patient Ever!

So.... I had my root canal today!

It fascinates me that everyone cringes when I say "root canal". It's a vacation for me. 

And it was awesome!!!

And no, I wasn't on any type of medication besides Novicane. That's right. No IV or gas.

My appointment was at 12:45, and I would say I got the first shot around 1:15-1:30. And my lucky ass was out of there by 2:45, and back to work at 3:00.

Yeah, that's what we call making things happen INTENSIVE.

And to top off the AWESOME root canal, my endodontist said I was by far the most accommodating patient he's ever had because I was so fascinated with the whole root canal process. He actually offered me a job as his dental assistant!! But I love my job WAY too much to leave.

Then again... I LOVE going to get my teeth worked on.

And I'm thinking... I'd get all my teeth work done for free!! 

Seeing as how I'm just about maxed out on my insurance, which by the way, came into affect 9 days ago... it might not be such a bad proposition.


Then I realized I'm probably the only person on the face of the planet that LOVES root canals and LOVES fillings and LOVES cleanings... and pretty much anything that doesn't involve an IV being stuck in my arm. And I don't have much patience. And I believe I might have to have patience for those people who aren't as lucky as me.

So yeah, I think I'll pass on that for now.

And for those of you who don't really follow the blog: Thursday, March 18th at 11:00am is going to hopefully solve all these problems once and for all. This is when I'm going back to my dentist... Feel free to flip through some older blog posts to know what ALL I'm having done :)


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