Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
It's a Slight Obsession :)
So I know that most people that read my blog don't talk to me on a daily basis. Hell, most people reading right now haven't talked to me in months... so you probably have not gotten word of the slightly-dorky obsession that I've had for at least the past year.
I'm talking about...
... that's right. Just in case you have been living in a cardboard box with no WIFI access for the past year, you have been missing out on the show of your lifetime. This show, ladies and gentleman, is called Fringe, and I have been following this show since the very first episode of Season 1 (we just started Season 3 last week).
Season 3 starts off with a throw-back retro episode entitled "Peter", which (for all the Fringeles out there) is actually the story behind the entire plot of the show. This confused a lot of new Fringe viewers because a good majority of the show took place in the 80's... but for the hardcore Fringeles out there, it was just further reinforcement of what we concluded from the past seasons.
This show is INTENSE: so much so that if I try to describe the plot or basis of the show, I will probably stop a lot of people from watching it. But I will try my best anyway, and here we go:
(cited from Wikipedia... feel free to click on the links for more information about the characters, directors, etc. It will help a lot more if you can get the general plot / theme, then learn about the "Pattern", then about the people):
Fringe is an American science fiction television series co-created by J. J. Abrams, Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci. The series follows a Federal Bureau of Investigation "Fringe Division" team based in Boston, Massachusetts under the supervision of Homeland Security. The team uses unorthodox "fringe" science and FBI investigative techniques to investigate "the Pattern", a series of unexplained, often ghastly occurrences that are happening all over the world. The show has been described as a hybrid of The X-Files, Altered States, The Twilight Zone, and Dark Angel.[1][2]. Fringe follows the exploits of special agent Olivia Dunham, mad scientist Walter Bishop, and his son, jack-of-all-trades Peter Bishop, as they investigate aspects of fringe science (rare diseases, chimeras, genetic engineering,psychic abilities, teleportation, and so forth).
... and for those of you that know me really well, this is totally not up my alley of recommended shows. The usuals that I endorse religiously are American Idol, The Biggest Loser, Hells Kitchen, House, and any ghost-hunting / paranormal show. Those boys are the big ones. Even with a DVR, I will still watch it when it airs.
Maybe it's due to my untapped fascination with anything relating to Theoretical Physics... and fringe theories... pretty much anything unknown and unexplained by the current laws of physics and nature. So if you are looking for a new show on Thursday night's at 9:00, turn on Fox and give it a try. Just make sure you have a little background on the theme of the show or else it won't make any sense.
... and just a side note:
If anyone wants to have a hardcore fun conversation about physics, I'm here. I picked up "A Brief History of Time" by Stephen Hawking last night, and I'm working on reading it for the second time. Amazing book, amazing astrophysicist, amazing knowledge. Soak it in.
Posted by LaSha at 9:18 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Last Living Grandparent
Holy Cow Batman!!
I have BREAKING NEWS: A few months ago, my only grandmother left alive (step-grandmother actually) died. Therefor, my last living grandparent left is my grandfather on my dad's side, Duane.
He lives in Detroit and I haven't seen him in person since I was 3 years old. When I was 3, he flew to Pensacola with my grandmother and my parents showed them around the city. We went everywhere!! And they had a blast!!
...and this would be where I would put in some pictures from that visit, but Hurricane Ivan washed them all away...
...and then they went home. And they stayed home. In Detroit. For 20 years.
Nevertheless, I always knew that on Christmas or my birthday, I would always receive a heart-felt card with a good amount of cash inside. He was faithful and persistent, and because of those cards every year, he never left my mind.
So when it came time for me to move to Charleston, I sent him a 3 page letter telling him what's been going on in my life and the journey that I was about to embark. He quickly called my father and I got the "official Grandfather Seal of Approval" for being a grown-up and moving away on my own.
He calls my dad on most major holidays, his birthday, and anytime Pensacola is pending a hurricane. He's constantly stayed in touch with my dad, and usually asks about me when he calls. "How's my favorite granddaughter doing?" he would say... and it just blows my mind that he is still asking about me 20 years later. On top of all that, my brother is the middle child of 6 brothers and sisters, so I'm sure there's lots of other grandchildren to go around. Why he loved me the most is still a mystery to me.
Well... he's getting old. He's in his late 70's or early 80's I believe, and I knew that if I didn't make an attempt to go to Detroit within the next few years, I probably wouldn't get to see him again. This is actually one of the items on my life's "to do" list.
...and then!!!!
I got a text message from my mom that said:
"Your grandpa is going to be here next weekend can you believe it!?!"
...honestly, no mom. I don't believe you. Quit messing with me.
But it was true. He called my mom because he has spent the past several weeks traveling the country, by himself, seeing our family scattered throughout the states. He was just calling my mom to let her know that he would be there this weekend.
...again, HOLY COW BATMAN!!
And after visiting my parents, he was going to head home. I was almost in tears when I heard the news. He asked about me and if it would be possible for me to make it down to Pensacola for the weekend.
...ok... quick Florida trip with less than 2 days notice. I'm frantic: I need to pack, get gas, handle the dogs... oh God what about my office?!?!
But after talking to my mom, I convinced her to tell him that he could easily take I10 to I95, make a quick detour down I26, and arrive at my door. Plus, I have family in SUMMERVILLE that I didn't even know about, so he totally had an excuse to head this way.
So it's official!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will speak on the phone with my grandfather this weekend for the first time in at least 4 years. On top of being overly excited about that, I'm going to have to control myself enough to get him up to Charleston. Seeing him is just what I need in my life right now.
...aww man. I see a Woodlands lunch date with my family in my future!! :) How perfect.
So next week, I'll get to hang out with my grandfather for the first time in over 20 years. Wow, he's in for quite the surprise now isn't he?!
Labels: family
Posted by LaSha at 10:12 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Capricorn's Unscripted
So... I found an awesome website (here!) that...
..despite the fact it's a "Love Calculator" or whatever...
...gave some really cool information about my Zodiac sign that I never realized were so damned accurate. Yeah... you gotta put in a "match" so it can find your "mate", but on the results screen, click on the spot where you can get more information about yourself. This is what it said about me, solely based on my first name and birth day, month, and year:
So ambitious and hard working, Capricorns are real materialists, who want to prove themselves and accomplish big goals in their lives. It is not the most social sign of the zodiac, yet these people do know how to be in society and how to put others on their side. ...totally true.
One of the greatest traits of a Goat is his/her consistency. Whatever they start doing, they will almost always make sure to finish it. This makes Capricorn individuals very reliable and responsible. Capricorns are also famous for practicality which usually allows them to come up with creative ways of doing same things in a different, but better way. Capricorns tend to be quite serious about whatever they decide to do, and they tend to focus a lot of attention on that one subject. These people are usually independent and have a strong character. However with all these good qualities, Capricorns still have a downside to their character. ...uh oh... here it comes: Their biggest flaw is inability to relax and let go off small things, since most of the time they are quite serious. ...another totally true statement!! Their excessive love for stability and consistency makes them scared of taking even small risks, and that is why they usually tend to be quite conservative and only walk the path that they know well, without diverging from it. Stubbornness is another bad point for this sign. ..and again... dead on.
Career-wise Capricorns are probably some of the most ambitious people. They always want to climb higher and achieve new goals. ...another great example of how we get it done intensive. Their persistence really helps them in this endeavor. Capricorns often make good managers as they are natural organizers. ...well most of us are. I can think of a few Capricorn's who could use some help in this area...
Apart from all the ambition and materialism, these guys are very faithful and the cold on the outside is just a cover of formality for the warm inside. Although if only we dared to suggest them one thing, it would be to learn how to take that cover of seriousness off sometimes.
Yeah... pretty awesome if you ask me. And the best part, they threw in a joke afterward:
Q: How many Capricorns does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: All of them... you can never be to cautious!!
Ha ha ha!! Yeah, that's dead on for sure.
And just in case if you ever wanted to seduce a Capricorn, this is the best way of doing it:
The following is what you should not do, if you want a Capricorn person to like you:
Labels: general
Posted by LaSha at 4:05 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 22, 2010
3rd Longest Dentist Appointment
I was in the dentist last Thursday from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm, with a 45 minute "lunchbreak".
And during my lunchbeak, I was prepped for crown #2 which means I had a huge hole in my mouth.
I had 3 composite crowns and two fillings.
...and it didn't go nearly as well as I thought it would.
During the first half of the day, we acomplished the crown and filling on the top. Before lunch, he prepped the bottom right molar for the crown and made it while I was gone.
...and I made the mistake of not getting anything to eat before my appointment. So needless to say, by 6:00, I was starving.
Then from 2:30 to 6:00, we did the bottom two crowns and the filling on the front tooth.
Oh! And just for the record: I only had TWO shots of Novicane: and they were just for the fillings, not teh crowns :) So yeah, another great example of making things happen intensive.
It would have been wonderful if it wasn't for a few problems along the way. The bottom right molar was the worse to do, because the wisdom tooth is the most impacted on that particular molar. I'll leave the nasty details out as to what happened... but just so you know: it's the main reason why my mouth hurts like hell right now.
I also... (yikes!)... felt the drill on my bottom left crown.
Oh... it was bad. Reeeeaaaaalllllllllyyyy bad.
By about 5:00, I was just getting stir-crazy and I had to start walking around the office. I was the only patient in there for the majority of the day, and I then found myself (out of sheer boredom) walking around to other rooms and asking the people if I could get them anything.
...and in my drug-inducted, beaten-up mouth state, I suppose it was NOT very appreciated.
So needless to say, my Thursday evening wasn't very productive. I came home on Thursday and ran straight to my bottle of anti-inflammatory medication; took a few; then was posted up on the couch by 7:00 and remained there for the duration of the evening.
Thank God I've had the weekend to recover. I'm still a little swollen, but at least I'm "full steam ahead" at work.
Labels: dentist
Posted by LaSha at 9:21 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 18, 2010
So I haven't seen my mom since she came to visit me in Charleston a few months ago. We had a blast, and I know she had a great time because it was...
I've been going through a lot of personal things lately and it's made me think about home a lot more than I normally do. So of course, I was totally bummed when I realized that it was St. Patrick's day, and I was stuck here in Charleston instead of being at Bamboo Willie's on Pensacola Beach for the Annual "Green Bikini" contest.
But, thanks to my wonderful friends Shelly and her daughter Danielle, I got to see THESE!!!:
Posted by LaSha at 9:42 AM 0 comments
Today is the Day
So I was actually not really that nervous up until, like, 15 minutes ago. I just had the realization that about 1/4 of my teeth are going to be replaced, fixed, or worked on in less than 3 hours from now. Yikes.
I'll see if I can get copies of X-Rays when we get to that point and post them on here. When you see how my wisdom teeth are coming in, your going to crap your pants.
Here's an example of what mine look like:
Yeah.. and all 4 of mine are like that, and therefor: surgical removal of all 4 of them at the same time is my only option to save my teeth that are currently in my mouth from being crushed or shifting to the point where I need braces again.
Actually... that does kind of look like MY teeth... but the only exception is that you would be able to see my root canal on the molar. The molar in this picture only has a filling - no root canal. You'd get the white stuff all the way down to the roots, hence "root canal".
So wish me luck with Phase I today. Hopefully I'll come out of there a brand new woman!! And once the wisdom teeth come out, I should be done seeing the dentist more than I do my own parents.
Labels: dentist
Posted by LaSha at 9:03 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 12, 2010
"I Cannot Text You with a Drink in my Hand, eh"
Where can I get my hands on these condoms? Anything she endorses is like glitter to me!!
Well, I can't. Unless... I go to the Opening Ceremony website!!! So keep that in mind... next time you buy condoms, that is.
BREAKING NEWS: Last night, Lady Gaga released the full version of her "Telephone" video which stars Lady Gaga and Beyonce with a cameo appearance from Tyrese Gibson. It's amazing, just like every other video she's released so far.

...and practice my mastery of them by dancing to any Lady Gaga song I hear at any given moment throughout the day...
... and the best part about it: It's fascinating to watch. The whole video shown below spans about 10 minutes, but I can safely guarantee it's been the best 10 minutes of my Friday so far.
But don't take my word for it: Click HERE to view the entire video on the Official Lady Gaga website.
And just in case the above link doesn't work for you, copy and paste this into a new browser window:
AND AND AND!!! I will have this: The Official Lady Gaga "Telephone" Ladies T-Shirt.
Labels: general
Posted by LaSha at 10:57 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
I'm the BEST Patient Ever!
So.... I had my root canal today!
It fascinates me that everyone cringes when I say "root canal". It's a vacation for me.
And it was awesome!!!
And no, I wasn't on any type of medication besides Novicane. That's right. No IV or gas.
My appointment was at 12:45, and I would say I got the first shot around 1:15-1:30. And my lucky ass was out of there by 2:45, and back to work at 3:00.
Yeah, that's what we call making things happen INTENSIVE.
And to top off the AWESOME root canal, my endodontist said I was by far the most accommodating patient he's ever had because I was so fascinated with the whole root canal process. He actually offered me a job as his dental assistant!! But I love my job WAY too much to leave.
Then again... I LOVE going to get my teeth worked on.
And I'm thinking... I'd get all my teeth work done for free!!
Seeing as how I'm just about maxed out on my insurance, which by the way, came into affect 9 days ago... it might not be such a bad proposition.
Then I realized I'm probably the only person on the face of the planet that LOVES root canals and LOVES fillings and LOVES cleanings... and pretty much anything that doesn't involve an IV being stuck in my arm. And I don't have much patience. And I believe I might have to have patience for those people who aren't as lucky as me.
So yeah, I think I'll pass on that for now.
And for those of you who don't really follow the blog: Thursday, March 18th at 11:00am is going to hopefully solve all these problems once and for all. This is when I'm going back to my dentist... Feel free to flip through some older blog posts to know what ALL I'm having done :)
Labels: dentist
Posted by LaSha at 3:33 PM 0 comments
Workout Motivation
Alright. So the workout regime has begun.
I started about a week ago doing the same type of exercises I did last year to get ready for bikini season. Then, I was looking through the Seville Quarter website, and I stumbled upon some pictures from when I did Miss Seville a few years back:
Labels: fitness
Posted by LaSha at 9:12 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 5, 2010
Starting a New Day!
Have you ever woken up in the morning, looked at your life, and realized (in that exact moment), that what you thought was wonderful and perfect in your life really isn't?
Because that happened to me a few weeks ago, and I'm still having a hard time dealing with it.
It all started
And for those of you who know me... this is NOT like me at all. But I have, since moving to Charleston, become completely dependent on him. Not just financially: emotionally, physically, and mentally. And this is NOT like me at all. And I hate it. And I can't live like this anymore.
So I was ready to leave: I have somewhere else to go, and I have the means to leave. And for once in my life, I had the desire to live a better life, the life that I wanted to live, and I wanted to leave. I thought things were hopeless, because after months of saying the same things over and over again and nothing changes, why would this time be any different?
Then I realized that I'm not the kind of person to give up on something that I have invested so much of my life into. The past 4 years of my life have been completely and utterly consumed in this relationship and him, and it's really pathetic for it to take 4 years to make me realize that this isn't a healthy way to live my life. Since moving to Charleston, the fun in my life has come to a screeching halt. No partying for LaSha. No bars for LaSha. No bikini contests or modeling for LaSha.
But since I'm all alone up here, there's no one to tell me (from an objective point of view, and what I rely on my friends for) that I'm not happy. Because I've been so worried about making everyone else happy, meaning him, I forgot about myself.
Until that one day when I woke up and everything hit me all at once.
Even though I've been trying and trying and trying, I'm not one to give up on something without a knock-down drag-out fight. Or someone. Especially someone that I love and care about as much as him. So this is my last change, last-ditch effort to save this relationship. I may regret this later on, you know, staying here like I am, but it feel like the right thing to do right now. So I'm staying. And waiting. And hoping. And praying for an answer.
But he has made somewhat of a change now that he finally realizes that I'm serious and I don't need to put up with this shit anymore. So I can't be a bitch and not give him a chance, but this is the last one. I'm going to be 30 before I know it and I can't let this time of my life slip through my fingers.
So don't ever settle. Because I have "settled", and it's the biggest regret of my life. Hopefully I don't have to "settle" anymore.
Labels: love
Posted by LaSha at 11:00 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Oh There's Lots More to Come...
Labels: dentist
Posted by LaSha at 3:49 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
My Wonderful Dentist Doesn't Know What's Coming
So those of you that know me... you know that I've done nothing but visit the dentist for a whole slew of dental problems since I've been in middle school. It all started with me needing braces in the 6th grade...
So, after having braces, I still had lots of problems: over-bite, shrunk pallet, overcrowding... you name it, I've had surgery or some kind of device for it. I'm actually required to wear a retainer at night for the rest of my life.
Now here I am... done with everything... and my assumption was totally wrong.
It started with my wisdom teeth back in high school. My dentist saw that a teeny tiny cavity on my back molar was probably caused by my wisdom teeth coming in impacted instead of straight up like most people's. Of course, I've heard the nightmares of wisdom teeth and getting mine taken out - all four at once - was not on my list of priorities.
Since high school, I have taken meticulous care of my teeth: mainly because I feel if my parents can pour over $10,000 in my dental work; the least I could do is continue the process. I've done my annual cleaning and whitening since I've moved out of the state on top of basic fillings and what not. Then all of a sudden... disaster strikes: I wake up in the morning and my face is swollen five times it's normal size. I can't open my mouth and even trying to leaves me doubled over in agonizing pain. Fuck!! Time to go see a dentist.
And keep in mind that during this time... I'm in-between insurance coverage from my current employer, and my previous employer through COBRA. So... of course... I have NO INSURANCE. I walk into the dentist and after countless X-Rays, it has been determined that I had an abscess tooth.
Due to my wisdom teeth coming in sideways, I've had to deal with the constant battle of overcrowding. Two of my four back molars are actually crowns because my wisdom teeth have literally broken my back molars into pieces. If I just pull the tooth, I have to get braces put back on because of shifting... so getting any teeth pulled for the rest of my life is 100% out of the question.
Anyway, the abscess was located on tooth #17, which is of course, a crown. So doing a regular root canal wasn't an option. I seem to have found myself in a rather sticky situation. But I love the dentist, endodontist... whatever. We're buds - and if you're ever in Charleston and need to see a dentist, don't go anywhere else but Dr. Morrison on Rivers. He does wonders, his staff is AWESOME, and most importantly: he's a good, Christian man.
So, after a first round of Clindamycin, and a second round of Amoxicillin (both spanning over 2 weeks) combat with Percocets and Lortabs every 4 hours, my infection was gone and my tooth was ready for a root canal!! Finally!! Based on X-Rays from the first visit, we were unclear if the abscess was caused by my wisdom teeth finally saying they've had enough and they're ready to come out, or from the molar. Thank God it was the molar, and thank God it was a root canal. Never before have I been so excited about a root canal, knowing that removing the wisdom teeth was the alternative.
I walked in the endodontists office as chipper and positive as I normally am, so I was rewarded with the huge, private corner office covered in windows overlooking Ashley Phosphate morning traffic. Not trying to be conceited, but I'm a dentists dream patient. I had my own flat-screen TV and massage chair... I was practically falling asleep waiting for the doctor to come in.
First Novicane shot: done.
He started working... and I felt it. I could go into descriptives here, but I'll save those with a weak stomach from the torture. If you want the details of what I felt, just let me know :)
Second Novicane shot: done.
I was feeling pretty good, and I actually dozed off here and there during the whole three hour process. And no: I didn't receive any type of anesthesia!! I drove myself back to work when it was all said and done.
I've battled with TMJ since middle school (for those new to the concept of TMJ or TMJD:, and if it wasn't for the bite rest they gave me, it would have been a nightmare. I left there with a numb mouth and $1,000 poorer, but no more swollen face, and no more pain medication every 4 hours. I was under strict antibiotic orders, and I had rules of what I could and could not do with my root canal. I was also told to make an appointment with my dentist as soon as possible, so I could get a permanent crown to replace my temporary root canal.
So I called my dentist immediately after my root canal, and today at 1:30pm is the soonest that I could get in. But last Friday, all hell broke loose.
I was eating hibachi for lunch and I bit into something hard. Harder than my hibachi was supposed to be. My mind starts racing as I head to the bathroom. "Oh God, not again. If I just broke my root canal my dentist is going to kill me!!" I run to the mirror with my rudimentary dentist tools (a Mag-Lite and a paper clip) and take a look at the damage.
Labels: dentist
Posted by LaSha at 9:13 AM 0 comments